We are an Independent Baptist Church whose purpose is to fulfill the great commission found in Matthew 28:19-20. Our passion is to lead people to know Christ as their Lord and Savior, to be baptized, and to grow into mature followers of Christ.
Our desire as a church is to meet the needs of the entire family. We have a great nursery and many ministries for all ages. We are a family-oriented church and when you visit you will find people of all ages here at Park Street.
When you come in the doors you will be greeted by the wonderful ladies at the welcome center. They will be able to guide you to our nursery, classrooms, auditorium and restrooms. Someone is usually by the doors to give you a bulletin and see if you have any questions.
Once you are seated you will find a connection card. We would love to have you fill it out and take it to the welcome center where we will give you a gift bag. That is our way of saying thank you for visiting with us.
The preaching and teaching are straight from the Word of God and relevant for your life today. To listen to our sermons online please feel free to browse over to our “Sermons” page.
We have a very strong Missions Program and support more than 80 missionaries all over the world! For more information about missions at Park Street browse over to the “Missions Program” page.