Reaching children with the gospel of Christ
It is a pleasure to have your child come to our AWANA club. We consider it a privilege to provide opportunities for your child’s physical, mental and spiritual growth. We want our AWANA Clubbers to realize that God loves them and that through His Son, Jesus, He provided salvation and the ability to have a relationship with Him. Learning His word and obeying Him gives them meaningful and rewarding lives. This is accomplished through Bible memorization, games, achievements and fellowship. AWANA also helps discipline clubbers to work, play and study within their own peer group.
Every Wednesday evening starting at 6:45 PM AWANA meets for an hour and a half to learn God’s Word and to have a fun time in Christian fellowship. The children gather in what are called “clubs”. There they strive to earn rewards and trophies while they learn and memorize God’s Word. The children also enjoy competitive and fun-filled games during game time. Lastly, for the evening’s events, a time of devotion is held where a Bible story or practical biblical illustration encourages the children to dedicate their lives to living righteously, honorably and purely.The AWANA program is separated into three club areas: