But Jesus said, ‘Let the little children come to Me, and do not forbid them; for of such is the kingdom of heaven. -Matthew 19:14
Our Nursery Director, Candy Merrell, along with all our nursery staff, love children. We would like you to feel a sense of comfort & security leaving your infant or toddler in our care. Here at Park Street we provide a safe and loving environment for your children.
During the 10:0am Sunday School hour we teach the Toddlers short Bible lessons, sing songs, and have a snack time. During the 11:00am Service hour we have a fun time singing songs about Jesus and God, reading books, workings puzzles, and provide interactive play time.
In our Infant Nursery our ladies love to rock and soothe your baby, lots of love and care is given here in the Infant Nursery. We are proud to say that many of Park Street youth have had their start here.
If you are new to PSBC and would like to visit our Infant or Toddler Nursery please feel free to stay a while and observe. You may contact the church if you have any questions or concerns.